My People With Bouquet Series. Part Two – Duets  Did you catch Part One? If not, here’s the low-down. This series is about capturing the AWESOME people in my life with simple bouquets of hand gathered flowers.  It is just a sweet little reminder of all the love, beauty and awesome peeps in the world.

Minda and Susan

So I’ve known these two awesome gals for a long time now. In fact, we all had our babies at the same time 10+ years ago (seen below).  Two absolutely stunning woman with huge hearts full of goodness.  So for these classy gals…I needed a classy bouquet.  The plan was to collect Queen Anne’s lace and Peonies (which don’t come easy my friends.  I would have had to raid Ruby Jane’s Storefront garden for those babies), so I was relieved that these roses came to the rescue.




The three amigo-itas!

Bob and Susie

Here are two completely awesome and deeply beautiful friend-peeps…not to mention the cutest couple, like ever.    They bring TONS of caring and compassion into this world…lucky us!  And look… they created the no-cut bouquet.  Just gather a lovely little clump of flowers that is still growing wildly and click. Great for my little project and great for the environment too.





Enjoy the day my friends. Enjoy the day.

Oh and …Part Three coming soon. Stay tuned.