Welcome to My People With Bouquet Series. The series is about capturing the AWESOME people in my life with simple bouquets of hand gathered flowers.
Doc PJ
So this amazing man fully falls under the AWESOME category. A kind hearted and compassionate soul who brings his medical care worldwide. So for his bouquet I only selected the sweet little blooms that were growing next to his sweet little home. An organic bouquet to match his organic soul.
p.s. you can watch a little video about the good doctor here.
Banjo Bill
And here is my most AWESOME, totally amazing, utterly charming and very talented hubby. So for him I wanted to collect a bouquet of stature and brilliance. But LOOK – he brought a bouquet home for me! This tall and brightly colored fire-weed flower is a perfect fit. Long and lean for the long and lean 🙂
Stay tuned for My People With Bouquets Part Two – Duets. Coming soon.
Until then….go collect some flowers and give them to your people. I promise you…it will make them smile.
Life is more beautiful with flowers!